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What does Senior Care[ing] mean?

Specifically designing steps to help our aging population navigate and achieve their goals for living their lives with dignity.

After 40 years serving the financial service industry, after 10 years serving on the Seniors First board of directors of Placer County ( and after 6 years assisting my ailing wife who suffered from frontal temporal dementia (, I find myself to be an invaluable resource in Caring for Seniors.

Our senior population is growing. Boomers are "booming" and the "Great Generation" is greater than ever. What this all means is that services for our aging population are more important than ever and simultaneously VERY complicated.

As a "Boomer" I find myself as an individual with a "superior skill set" to help others faced with aging challenges. Services are available and knowledge is critical in helping someone achieve whats most important.

These are the steps we take with our Clients, we review:

  1. Health

  2. Finances

  3. Family

  4. Goals

We then develop a plan and address the following when necessary;

  • In-Home Services; how to care for one who needs physical assistance (at home)

  • Planning when "Staying at Home" is goal - What is needed

  • Transition plans moving from home to "residential facility"

  • Education to family of the many aspects of Residential/Nursing Home options

  • Transportation options for MD and personal need appointments

  • Budget and Financial Management

  • Living Trust updates and review

  • Family mediation and review

  • Quality of Life Initiative

Professional referrals are offered for many of the services when needed.

Our goal for our services is to provide a "point person" to guide you. A professional that will take you step by step through your planning process (whatever is needed) and help you evaluate the very best options for you today and the future.

The end result will find you more comfortable knowing what is available and more confident knowing how to methodically reach the goals you so truly desire. 

Allow someone who has learned the fundamentals, fought the battle, and developed the relationships to guide your family.

Call or CLICK today for consultation.

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